Collect human insights using biosensors. See a recent NYC Data Collection map here.
Analyze the data using the Multimer Analysis Engine and algorithms.
Visualize the analyzed data. See a recent NYC map of analyzed (categorized) data here.
Get actionable, human experience insights for your project. See a sample: Best Neighborhoods.

Gather the data
Multimer uses a combination of biosensors, like FitBit, heart rate monitors, and our own EEG sensor, MindRider, to collect information about a person’s experience in an environment.
Analysis and Visualization
The Multimer Analysis Platform applies algorithms that categorize the data we collect in order to produce “sentiment maps” of a given area.

Open-Minded Associated with an individual being attracted to a topic, but not alarmed. In tests for this metric, a participant exhibits less than 44 percent of the overall range of attention and an average of 77 heartbeats per minute.

Fascination Associated with a relaxed interest in a topic. In tests for this metric, a participant exhibits less than 57 percent of the overall range of attention and an average of 82 heartbeats per minute.

Stimulation Associated with an individual being more attentive than they are relaxed. In tests for this metric, a participant exhibits greater than 50 percent of the overall range of attention and an average of 82 heartbeats per minute.

Power/Intensity Associated with the lasting impact of the experience. In tests for this metric, a participant exhibits greater than 44 percent of the overall range of attention and an average of 84 heartbeats per minute.
Multimer’s Experience Map derives from sensors that people wear as they move through a space, at all times of day
Produce Actionable Human Insights
Multimer produces maps, based on established criteria from organizations like the APA and the CDC, that provide actionable insights for spatial designers and planners. See these proofs-of-concept: “Best Neighborhoods,” “Best Places for Retail.”